What is Childhood Sexual Abuse?
Childhood sexual abuse occurs when a child’s physical or emotional self is violated through sexual actions by an older child or adult, regardless of their relationship or difference in age. The impacts of this trauma can last into adulthood, yet it’s never too late to heal.

Childhood Sexual Assault impacts...
1 in 4 women
1 in 6 men
1 in 5 people
If you are a survivor, you’re not alone. There are 60 million survivors of childhood sexual abuse in the US today. 9 out of 10 did not report during childhood and even fewer received services.
Whether adults received support during childhood or not, they deserve specialized support during adulthood– that’s why Wings exists to support adults on their healing journey.

Childhood sexual abuse can look many ways.
Sexual abuse can involve physical touch, yet touch is not required for abuse to occur. Children cannot consent to any sexual activities, and abuse is never the child’s fault.
It can sometimes be difficult for adult survivors to understand that what happened to them was abuse because 90% of abuse happens by someone the child knows and trusts. An abuser may build trust over time through gift giving or paying special attention to the child (called grooming), then take advantage of the child in ways that manipulate their trust.
Abuse by a family member (called incest or intrafamilial abuse) is most likely to remain secret and cause the most devastating impacts of trauma since children are unable to get protective support from those closest to them.
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Is what happened to me abuse?The impacts of this trauma last into adulthood.
Because sexual abuse happened decades ago for many adult survivors, there is often a disconnect between the symptoms they are experiencing today and their root cause. Every person’s response to trauma is different and may impact these five areas: mind, body, spirit, emotion and connection.
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What are the impacts of CSA trauma?
Healing during adulthood is possible
Where we can be harmed, we can also be healed – and it’s never too late to begin your healing journey. We envision a world where all adult survivors have space and support to heal.
Our Approach To Healing